
Fixfin Technologies Pvt. Ltd

Effect of IoMT on Healthcare sector

This is one of the greatest thought one has ever ever thought of, IoMT which implies Internet of Medical Things. Have you any idea of how revolutionary it can be if medical devices are utilized to fetch health conditions of patient? This concept will play a significant role in uplifting healthcare industry. This helps in collecting accurate data and generate statistics reducing human error and prescribing right medical assistance saving lives. The data collected are stored on cloud analyzing health conditions of patients.
According to research there are over 3.7 million medical devices connected to monitor health status of patients. The healthcare market will scale up and expected to reach $136.8 billion by 2021. Many of the gadgets are coupled with Near Field Communication (NFC) and Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) enhancing effective communication between patients and doctors. Also, the number […]

ERP Development

Strategies to move towards Mobile ERP

One should discover and possess the knowledge as to what types of mobile capabilities should be considered and implemented while adding mobility to the enterprise resource planning system. SYSPRO is a cloud-based ERP that provides full support for mobility to the companies in the field of manufacturing and distribution. It is a mobile solution that gives access to one’s business process and data from any location and at any time.
In the past businesses often thought twice about using the cloud to store essential company information. These anxieties washed out with the obvious development and benefits of using the cloud. Storing data in the cloud allows companies to access and share information at a much faster rate. For many companies this means clients get answers to their questions answered faster, improving the quality of service.
Building business recognition online […]

Fixfin Technology

How Click-to-Dial Helps Microsoft Dynamics CRM Users Achieve Sales and Service Success

Millions of users rely on Microsoft Dynamics CRM as the central hub for all their customer data. Client-facing teams use it to aggregate and analyze data on prospects to inform and support the execution of their sales and service strategies.
Dynamics is one of the leading CRMs in the market—because of this, third-party enhancements and programs are constantly being built in the pursuit of making the most out of the CRM. One of the most sought-out features that add significant value to Dynamics and its users is click-to-call or click-to-dial.
In this article, we will go over the benefits of having click-to-call for MS Dynamics for sales and service teams.
What is Click-to-Dial?
Click-to-dial is a feature that transforms all phone numbers within the CRM and the browser into links that dial out when clicked, making the calling process seamless, from web […]

Salesforce Software for CRM: What It Is and How to Best Use It

Dave Orrico, Vice President of’s Enterprise Sales, once said: “The No. 1 key to success in today’s sales environment is speed. The salesperson who delivers the most valuable information to their customer or prospect first, wins the game. The best sales professionals rely heavily on tools like to provide that competitive advantage for information acceleration.”
It does sound like Salesforce software is the fix-all for all your sales woes, right? It might be. Salesforce is possibly the most popular cloud-based CRM system in the market today. It is best known for its CRM solutions, which include Sales Cloud, Marketing Cloud, Service Cloud, Analytics Cloud, and App Cloud, among others.
However, Salesforce and your success with it really depends on how you use its features. A CRM system will inherently benefit your business, regardless of size. According to studies, a […]

E-commerce Development. E-commerce website development

E-Commerce: A Simple Affordable Way to Sell Your Services

E-Commerce is the most simple way to sell one’s services in this modern era of technology. At a time when the entire world is hooked to the internet the best options of advertising and promoting one’s services is through the medium of e-commerce. This saves on the huge expenditure on other kinds of advertising such as surrogate advertising and radio advertising. It is an art of letting people know about you without actually spending too much on advertisements and promotions thereby saving a substantial amount of time.
It has become as one of the preferred ways of availing services as it reduces the dependency on others as well as the knowledge about the locality or area. People are allowed to buy services from home at any part of the day or night. Moreover, they are quick, convenient and user-friendly with […]

Open Source Software versus Closed Source

Overview of Open Source and Closed Source software

An Open Source software is one, that is free to use, redistributable under licenses that comply with the Open Source Definition. From business perspective Open Source is more preferred rather than the closed source for the following reasons:

For Open Source Software, individuals or organizations do not have to pay for software licenses.
Open Source provides a platform for bug fixing and modifying the source code.
Open Source software continuously evolves as more and more developers contribute to it.

Some of the well-known OSS include the LINUX kernel, browser Mozilla Firefox, Apache web-server and the list goes on.
Pros and Cons of Open Source and Closed Source
1. Service
Open Source software relies mainly on community to deliver support. At times these support fails to deliver higher level of response.
Closed source support are readily available. Little technical skills with ongoing support is required. Support also includes […]

Effects of automation on our daily lives

Is Automation Really Making Life Easy or Lazy

The world at large as we know it has become highly dependent on the different machines and the software that run these machines and continues to make larger impacts with each progressive day. For argument’s sake let us take the first view that we are becoming more and lazier due to the applications and the work that is done for us in a short span and simple method in the different industries that are used by millions every day. People are being affected by different diseases that did not exist prior such automation of the society. People are getting obese that is giving birth to other harmful diseases such as high cholesterol, cardiac, respiratory, fatigue, and countless others as they have become lazy since life has been made easy by the software and machines that operate to make life […]

Robots cutting down jobs. Robots replacing humans

Are Robots Going To Cut Down Human Capital In Near Future

The current world scenario is such that many jobs and workplaces are being run on artificial intelligence or with the help of robots, resulting in the downsizing of the human capital in these sectors. In the present, we can only suspect that one of the key factors of down wages is the areas where robots are replacing human workers.
The work that a robot can perform in an industry reduces the requirement of human capital by 5-6%. The drop in wages through the employment of robots is estimated to be around .5-1% per annum. This transformational effect on the market scenario will tend to increase and remain so due to the high rate of dependency on the accuracy of artificial intelligence. Besides the accuracy, the efficiency with each passing day is developing to a great extent that is helping the […]

Benefits of cloud storage & physical storage

Is cloud storage more secure than physical storage media?

In this era, companies need to take special concern about security and safety of data and information. Data are prime assets of an organization and mishandling them under any circumstances cannot be entertained. It is advised to use proper devices or medium to store these data as they are vital for business sustainability.
Storage Media
There most basic question that a firm needs to answer is whether to use physical media for storage or to opt for cloud storage. Each of them i.e. physical media or cloud has their own benefits and disadvantages.
Physical Storage Media

It is substantial and in your hands when required.
There are least chances of failure.
You do not need an internet connection to access files.
You do not face any downtimes if you save your data in the physical medium.


Hardware cost is involved, which raises operational and maintenance cost.
Hardware devices […]

Data privacy and security with inCRM

Your privacy and data are safe with inCRM

Often, clients turn up with queries regarding data and information security in inCRM. How vulnerable is my information to attackers? The answer to these queries is a simple NO. inCRM is absolutely private and secure in processing data and storing them. inCRM is incorporated with several layers of security algorithm restricting unauthorized entry.
Data stored in databases associated with inCRM are encrypted. Storing and retrieving processes are dealt by special encryption tools so that information is secure. Special firewall guards the storage space, shielding sensitive data from mishandling.
Certain security tips given below helps one against leakage and data mishaps.
1. Brute Force Attack
It is the most common way a hacker would intrude into your CRM. In this process, the hacker repeatedly guesses your password. Often, if the password is not strong enough can be guessed after some tries. If the hacker […]

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